We Are Different

We are going to change HOA law. We are not and never will be partnered with any commercial organizations that are engaged in business with homeowner associations.

This Site

We created this site to bring our national community together so that we can inform each other of progress in different areas of the country. We also hope to inspire others to get involved.

We are going to change HOA law.

When we looked for organizations that might already be doing this, what we found was disconcerting. Most are run by property management, insurance, and condo law firms that subtly steer unsuspecting owners to their point of view.

We are committed to making HOA assessments affordable again by addressing all the root causes we identified as problematic. Our four initiatives are the result of the problems we identified.

Take Back Your HOA is more than just an organization. It’s a growing community of owners who reside in HOAs that have become unaffordable due to the high monthly fees. Join us and be part of this movement for change.

Tina Martin

Tina has had a long career as an IT specialist. She’s worked in all major industry sectors, including banking, pharma, insurance, healthcare, education, and manufacturing. Recently, she was appointed to the Human Relations Commission of her township. Tina has been a board member at her condo association for several years. She has experienced the frustration of an ineffective board and a management company with abysmal performance. Tina is responsible for the website, forum, and data collection. She also manages the initiatives.

Many thanks to Monica Johnston, who worked on this project for six months but could not participate further.

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