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Volunteer FAQs


What is the time commitment for volunteering?

We ask for a minimum of two hours a month, ideally for six months.

Can I be timebanked for the hours I volunteer?

Yes. Talk to staff about your local timebank and how to get hours to you.

What are the criteria for volunteering?

You must be 18 years or older, a member of TBYH, willing to share/edit files via Google Drive, willing to focus on one or more states, and willing to communicate only via email. 

What is the volunteer process?

Each initiative has five stages:  research, propose a solution, identify stakeholders, implement the solution, and verify the solution is working as intended. Emails go out to the team at the start and end of each stage. Emails at the start of the stage will describe the stage, the type of work you’ll be doing, and invite you to participate. You may decline working on any given stage. Emails that go out at the end of the stage describe what was accomplished and signifies closure of that stage.

What is the nature of the volunteer tasks?

Each project will have a project file and your first task is to familiarize yourself with the project file. You can find the status of your project and track your volunteer hours and contributions using the project file. Throughout the course of the project, you will be asked to do internet research and cite your sources, give/justify your opinion, review & comment (R&C), and update the project file. All or nearly all tasks will be completed virtual/remotely.

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